Senin, 20 Juni 2016


Know Our dean and Faculty of Humanities 
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Mr. Bambang Lelono is the first dean in Faculty of humanities in Universitas Jendral Soedirman. To be as a dean, Mr. Bambang Lelono should compete with his wife because she was also as a candidate as a dean. He is one of the fighters who support Faculty of humanities was established. Before Faculty of Humanities was established, it was one of the programs in Social and Politic Faculty. Actually it isn’t related between Program of Humanities and Social and Politic Faculty, so it made the officials in Program of Humanities fight to make Program of Humanities became Faculty. Finally, when Program of Humanities becomes Faculty, the officials and the students of  Faculty of Humanities were very happy and there are many new things that have to be faced especially for the official of Faculty of Humanities. Mr. Bambang Lelono as a dean should manage everything in this faculty because he is as a leader. To organize the official in this new Faculty is not really easy for dean because he and the officials should have a system to make it work well. They also have to adapt with new conditions that have to manage Faculty themselves. It was not like when it became the division of Social and Politic Faculty that the officials were depends on. Mr. Bambang Lelono said that the performances of the officials in Faculty of Humanities are not efficient and maximum yet, because need process to manage it. To give a good services dean give test to the officials that under 45 years old from every position. This test is to know their skill and to manage the organization structure, that test is also the strategy by the dean to organize the officials. Dean also have to arrange the organization structure well, Mr. Bambang Lelono said “To choose the official to be occupied in every position in Faculty of Humanities are from the assessment that were accumulated from the test and personal attitude.”  It was very hard for dean to arrange it, because it needs the best choice in order to the system in Faculty of Humanity can work well.
Beside the dean should manage the official, he also have to manage the collegian students. Nowadays, there are so many collegian students that do a demonstration because of the bill is increase and Mr. Bambang said “ It is actually because they do not know about the real and it is just misunderstanding. They also do not ask to me the reason why it is increase, if they know the real may be they will realize that actually it is the policy of the government.”
There are so many things that should be overcame by Mr. Bambang as a dean. However this dad of 2 sons is not lose their time with his family because his sons actually have been work in Bogor and Jakarta. Luckily, Mr. Bambang has a wife that always supports his carrier. His wife is also work in the same faculty, so they can have a good quality time in their working place.